Thursday 30 April 2009

Proposal 11: Ajax requests without callbacks

There are many reasons supposedly in most Seaside applications to use Ajax requests without storing callbacks. In our application we have a couple of such cases where it makes no sense to store callbacks and where callbacks cause useless overhead.

This is another reason why the class WARequest of Seaside should be enhanced, as proposed by me earlier, by request type identifiers and testing methods.

In our case, at least one of these situations will have very heavy traffic and we can therefore intercept the logic flow at a very early stage and direct it immediately to appropriate actions without having to go through the many nested loops in Seaside, which make it also very difficult to follow up logic in debugging.

Requests without callbacks save a huge amount of overhead, CPU time and memory and the make debugging easier, too.

I therefore propose:
a) Add request identifier methods to WARequest (see proposal 1)
b) Add support for Ajax requests without callbacks.

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